Meet Our Clinic
At 2B Nature Acupuncture & Herb, Acu Nature Acupuncture & Herb, 수려인한의원, 뉴저지수려인한의원, our first concern is your well being. You as a person, is our first and foremost concern. The diagnosis first begins with the observation of YOU as a person. We then evaluate other indicators of your health that Eastern Medicine teaches, including our discussion with you about your health problems. We take time to listen to you. Our motto is to “DO MORE THAN THE PATIENT EXPECTS.”
Our entire staff is trained to become familiar with you as a person and your health problems. Eastern Medicine looks at the “Whole Body” and we treat the “Whole Person”. Our atmosphere at the Clinic is very relaxed, and the soft music in the treatment rooms is soothing and calming. Our goal is to “aid the body to heal itself.”
At the Clinic we practice Eastern Medicine, which is Acupuncture, herbs, Tui Na Massage, Cupping, and diet. Ancient Eastern Medicine has been around for over 5,000 years. This philosophy treats the whole body.
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#약식동원 #약이 되는 음식의 치유 레시피
#약식동원 #약이 되는 음식의 치유 레시피

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오이 이렇게 먹었더니 운동 안해도 10kg 빠졌습니다.~ 다이어트에 좋은 오이채 콩국수 만드는 법 알려드려요~
![매일 양배추를 이렇게 먹었더니 보약이 되었습니다. 양배추 효능부작용[하사부TV]](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/d5FwgI1TW3o/mqdefault.jpg 1x, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/d5FwgI1TW3o/maxresdefault.jpg 3x)
매일 양배추를 이렇게 먹었더니 보약이 되었습니다. 양배추 효능부작용[하사부TV]
Our Specializations
At 2B Nature Wellness, we specialize in offering natural solutions for pain management, weight loss, facial rejuvenation, and children's growth. Our expertise in acupuncture and herbal remedies enables us to address a wide range of health concerns in a holistic and personalized manner.
1 hr 30 min
140 US dollars1 hr
100 US dollars30 min
120 US dollars1 hr
Varied Price
Client Success Stories

"Natural healing is about embracing your body's wisdom and nurturing your inner harmony. The true journey to wellness begins with self-love and self-discovery."
Empower Your Wellness